
‘Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed’ Gets a Little Help From the Beatles

‘Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed’ Gets a Little Help From the Beatles

ANNA MARIE DE LA FUENTE Spanish helmer Fernando Trueba took home the 1993 foreign-language film Oscar for his period dramedy “Belle Epoque.” More than two decades later, his younger brother, David, is hoping to bring a second Oscar into the family with his Beatles-themed road movie “Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed.” Trueba, the youngest of eight […]

David Trueba. Living is Easy With Eyes Closed (Spain)

David Trueba. Living is Easy With Eyes Closed (Spain)

David Trueba Living is Easy With Eyes Closed How did you come across the story of a schoolteacher who met John Lennon in 1966? I was in Almeria, in the south of Spain, where my family went a lot, and I opened the paper and read a story about a monument on Lennon, because it […]

A triunfar en Hollywood, 20 años después de ‘Belle Epoque’

A triunfar en Hollywood, 20 años después de ‘Belle Epoque’

PABLO SCARPELLINI Los Ángeles El Oscar está tan caro entre una pléyade de naciones hambrientas de gloria que resulta imposible garantizar incluso una nominación, pero la ovación, al menos no podrá quitársela nadie. David Trueba (Madrid, 1969) recibió el aplauso y la entrega incondicional del público de uno de los templos históricos de Hollywood, el […]